Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a few of my favorite things

my sister and i both really love "the sound of music," and my sister has started a blog of her favorite things, in an effort to focus on the happy things in life.

i also keep a list of "good things" at the back of whatever journal i'm keeping at the time, in reference to martha stewart's "it's a good thing."

this keeping track of the simple, or not-so-simple, joys in life is a good discipline, i think - and i thought i'd offer a sample of said "good things" / "favorite things" right now.

this is part of a bouquet of zinnias, combflower, basil, and a couple other flowers. i got it from the e.nash. farmers market last week - a place which is certainly one of my favorite places in the world.

now, cut flowers are generally one of my favorite things in life. when my college roommate jennifer and i won some sort of dorm room decor contest (best use of space, maybe?), we received a kroger card - which we together designated as "the flower fund." isn't that such a good idea? it was such a treat - keeping flowers in our room - for free, because we'd been so awesome at arranging our room. of course, kroger isn't the most ideal place for buying flowers - but it met our college-aged need/desire for a bit of natural beauty brought indoors.

so imagine my delight when i'm able to buy local cut flowers and keep them in my space (not for free, but hey, i have a big-girl job with a [bottom-of-the-barrel] salary now).

and because i was especially feeling the need for flowers in my own space, i picked out all my favorites from the bouquet and put an especially big, beautiful group of flowers in my bedroom - and put the rest (still a decent, lovely mix) together in the living room.

can't you just hear a bit of "raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens" right now?

..."and then i don't feel so bad."

and here, another lovely thing. i bought a lavender plant for the guys awhile back (which i think got too much water when it rained early on, so it's not been looking too hot - but that's neither here nor there).

i recently tore off a little sprig of it to see if the leaves, not just the flowers, would smell and even make a difference in a space like my bedroom.

verdict = the leaves are very fragrant, and it continues to smell-em-good if i actually get close to the sprig. i think the flowers and oil from the plant are certainly the most fragrant - but i was getting impatient, so this is still nice.

and doesn't the sprig look lovely against the dresser cloth i inherited from my great grandmother Mom Armstrong after she passed away and her few things still with her in the nursing home got passed along? (it still says "Velma Armstrong" in sharpie on one end of it.) and the micro function on my camera is too fun - it certainly brings out more detail than even i see in-person.

lavendar - from the back patio - on a dresser cloth from my dear, quirky-in-her-post-coma-old-age great grandmother. it's a good thing.


Unknown said...

I just ordered cut flowers for pick up at our local farmers' market this Tues...very excited for dahlias!

Jessica said...

i just want to comment that colin told me in-person that he feels like he needs to let folks know when he reads their blogs - thus he feels obligated to comment on posts when he reads them.

then i said how i'm always surprised when anyone comments, on the blog or in-person, because i don't expect that anyone is actually reading it. so, it almost seems creepy that anyone is reading it - though the reason one posts in the first place is for someone to read it - it isn't just a journal.

and we had a conversation about how it seems kind of creepy that any number of folks could be reading my blog, un-beknownst to me, without posting or letting me know in any way that they've read the blog. like how easy it is to stalk on facebook - especially when you rack up lots of friends who you don't or wouldn't really keep up with otherwise, and don't expect they're keeping up with you - until they suddenly send you a message or you bump into them, and they say, oh, i've been keeping up with you on facebook. creepy.

if anyone has thoughts - about (a) whether you do or don't feel obligated to comment on friends' blogs when you read them, or (b) about the creepiness you do or don't feel in response to the complete anonymity (comments aside) of those who do/might read one's blog...feel free to offer them here - or in-person - or by any other means of communication you find suitable.