Thursday, July 08, 2010

feeling healthy

After being in this new job/lifestyle a bit over a month, I am recovering from a holiday-weekend cold, which was no fun - but I'm actually overall feeling pretty healthy. I'm still learning how to get a full night's sleep each night, but I'm certain I'm getting more sleep than I was during the school year, and I am most certainly eating much more regularly and healthily than I was during school too. It feels so good to cook and eat a home-cooked meal every single evening, and on the occasional weekday and most weekends lunch and breakfast too. I know others who have lost weight after they graduate, and I have too - the burden of stress is lifted, we aren't sitting at a desk reading and writing every spare minute of the day, and we have time to cook - who'd have thought that could be such a recipe for healthful living? I am very much enjoying making home these days - and it's pretty amazing that it's my full-time job. In the first week or so of my job, I didn't think I would enter a honeymoon phase, but I think I may have entered it now. The guys crack me up every day, and I'm glad to be making home - period. Or semi-colon - of course, I have many, many questions about developmental disabilities, aging, medication, Progress, the day program, state regulations, community, authority, decision-making, communication, discipline, etc., etc., etc. But generally - I am very pleased with my decision about what would occupy my time post-graduation - and I think it is treating/suiting me well.

We'll see what I think in another month - and the month after that, and so on - and in a year. But for now, I'm happy - and I think I seem happy to other people. Cups that overflow are good things.

Love. Jessica


Katie said...

so glad to hear you're doing well and enjoying yourself!! sounds like you've also been able to rid the house of canned and processed food (for the most part) to begin cooking healthy, yummy food. hope things continue to stay in the honeymoon phase :)

Jessica said...

Thanks Katie! I think honeymoon floats in and out on an hourly basis, but I do hope it continues to prevail.

My main issues these days are figuring out how to address some compensation/justice issues with Progress, and then maybe I can enter a honeymoon phase with them - though I don't know that many folks ever have honeymoon phases with their employers.